DeepFlirt Privacy Policy

Effective date: 2023-09-26
Updated on: 2023-09-26

This Privacy Policy explains the policies of Konrad Schewe on the collection and use of the personal information we collect when you access the deepflirt app and http(s):// (the “App”). This Privacy Policy describes your privacy rights and how you are protected under privacy laws.
By using our App, you are consenting to the collection and use of your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Please do not access or use our App if you do not consent to the collection and use of your information as outlined in this Privacy Policy.
Konrad Schewe is authorized to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. This may occur without prior notice.
Konrad Schewe will post the revised Privacy Policy on the website.


  1. What data do we collect?
  2. How do we collect your data?
  3. How will we use your data?
  4. How do we store your data?
  5. Marketing
  6. What are your data protection rights?
  7. What are cookies?
  8. How do we use cookies?
  9. What types of cookies do we use?
  10. How to manage your cookies
  11. Privacy policies of other websites
  12. Changes to our privacy policy
  13. How to contact us
  14. How to contact the appropriate authorities

1. What data do we collect?

Our App collects the following data:
  • Personal identification information:
    • Name
    • E-Mail
    • Mobile phone number
    • Date of birth
  • Dating profile (of you and your chat partners):
    • Gender
    • Sexual orientation (includes relationship preferences)
    • Custom biography about the profile
  • Chat Messages of you and your Chat Partners
  • Images including screenshots of:
    • Dating profiles
    • Chat histories
  • Usage data:
    • Device ID
    • Provider
    • Network and device performance
    • Browser type
    • Language
    • Digital rights management information
    • Operating system
    • App Version
    • Payment information

2. How do we collect your data?

The data we collect is provided by the user using formulars in the App or webpage. More explicitly, we collect and process data, when you:
  • Follow the account provisioning process:
    • Register in the App
    • Update Account details
    • Send confirmation / password reset mails
    • Login
    • Logout
    • Delete Account (All of your data will be removed or anonymized)
  • Use the Chat Completion functionality:
    • Create Chat
    • Update Chat details (Dating profile information)
    • Delete Chat
    • Create Chat Message
    • Edit / Move / Interact with Chat Message
    • Delete Chat Message
    • (Re-)Create automated Chat Completion
  • Upload a screenshot of a dating profile or a chat history
  • Use or view our website via your browser's cookies
  • Give feedback in the App or Google Play
We collect usage data which does not directly refer to the your interactions with the App. It gets collected in the background of the App usage and can not be shown for you as end user.

3. How will we use your data?

Our App collects data so that we can:
  • Give you tips what to write as a next message in a dating chat
  • Contact you: Send you mails & notifications about new updates or in-app information
  • Analyze the usage of the App
  • Managing your user account
  • Provide you targeted advertisements
  • Collect your feedback for improvements
If you agree by using our App, we will share your data with our partner companies so that they may offer us and you their products and services. We are using the following Third-Party Services to provide you the best experience with our App:
  • Open AI's ChatGPT: When the user requests a chat message recommendation from our App, this API is used to generate Artificial Intelligence based chat completions. They are receiving parts of the user's account data plus the information and messages given in the provided chat profile.

4. How do we store your data?

Our App securely stores your data at our server on http(s):// and is located in Karlsruhe, Germany. The server is provided by netcup GmbH. It is important to us that your data is transferred and stored securely. Therefore, we store all information in a valid PostgreSQL database, whose data is encrypted on the hard disk of the server. We use a secure password for the database user that consists of 64 characters, upper and lower case letters, and numbers. We also make sure to rotate our credentials regularly. The password of a user account is stored hashed with a salt, so that it is impossible to read the password with access even with a rainbow table. We also require a secure password standard of 8 characters with at least one upper and lower case letter, at least one number and one special character. The Service which processes your data is developed with NestJS and uses common Open Source Node.js libraries to fulfill all required services. We keep your data as long as you are active in the app. After one year of inactivity, your account and all associated resources, such as
  • the account
  • chats
  • messages
  • chat completions
  • screenshots
will be deleted. A user is considered inactive if no in-app activity, such as opening the app or using the app functionality, can be detected.

5. Marketing

We would like to send you mails including information about products and services of ours that we think you might like. If you agreed to receive marketing mails, you may always opt out at a later date. You have the right at any time to stop deepflirt from contacting you for marketing purposes. Currently, we do not send any marketing mails. At a later point of time, you will be able to unsubscribe here.

6. What are your data protection rights?

We would like to make sure you are fully aware of all your data protection rights. Every user is entitled to the following. If you make a request, we have one month ro respond to you. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us at our mail:

The right to access

You hve the right to request deepflirt for copies of your personal data. We may charge you a small fee for this service.

The right to rectification

You have the right to request that we correct any information you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request deepflirt to complete information you believe is incomplete.

The right to erasure

You have the right to request that we erase your personal data, under certain conditions:
  • Chat Completions which refer to your user account can only be deleted either when the date of the generation is older than 30 days or when deleting the whole user account. This restriction is needed that we can assure that a user is not reaching his free generation limits for Chat Completions.

The right to restrict processing

You have the right to request that our company restrict the processing of your personal data under certain conditions. The App tells which information is required and which is not. You do not need to fill all information if you do not wish. Most of them are required for providing our, but some can be left.

The right to object to processing

You have the right to object to the App's processing of your personal data.

The right to data portability

You have the right to request that we transfer the data that we have sent to another organization, or directly to you, under certain conditions:
  • As all data which is associated with your user account will be deleted on account removal, we can only provide you the transferred data when you haven't deleted your account yet.

7. What are cookies?

Cookies are text files placed on your computer or mobile phone to collect standard Internet log information and visitor behaviour information. When you visit our App or websites, we may collect information from you automatically through cookies or similar technology. For further information, visit

8. How do we use cookies?

We use cookies in a range of ways to improve your experience on our App, including: - Functionality - Advertising

9. What types of cookies do we use?

There are a number of different types of cookies, however, our App uses the following.


Our App uses these cokkies so that we recognize you on our website and remember your previously selected preferences. These could unclude what language you prefer and location you are in. A mix of first-party cookies are used.


Our App uses these cookies to collect information about your visit to our App, the content you viewed, the links you followed and information about your brwoser, device, and your IP address. We sometimes share some limited aspects of this data with thord parties for advertising purposes. We may also share online data collected through cookies with our advertising partners. This means that when you visit another website, you may be shown advertising based on your browsering patterns on our App.

10. How to manage your cookies

You can set your browser not to accept cookies, and the above website tells you how to remove cookies from your browser. However, in a few cases, some of out App features may not function as a result.

11. Privacy policies of other websites

Our App contains links to other websites. Our privacy policies applies only to our App, so if you click a link to another app or website, you should read their privacy policy.

12. Changes to our privacy policy

We keep our privacy under regular review and place any update on this web page.

13. How to contact us

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, the data we hold on you, or you would like to exercise one of your data protection rights, please do not hesitate to contact us. Email:

14. How to contact the appropriate authorities

Should you wish to report a complaint or if you feel that we have not addressed your concern in a satisfacory manner, you may contact the Information Commissioner's Office at